Bernie Trilling - 21st Century Skills (Leading and Learning 2011)
As we embark on a new year, people are setting goals, renewing spirits, and reconnecting with who they are. As a teacher, I am constantly reflecting and learning about what I can do to provide better service for the students in my class and in the school where I work. As an instructional coach, I feel the same way about the staff I work with in their classrooms. This 21st century promise really summed up what I was reflecting on and how I feel about each day when I enter the building. I am passionate and personally connected to all facets of my job and want the best for each person I connect with every day including students, parents, colleagues, and community members. When people feel that you truly care and value them for who they are we get the best result of learning and create the best learning environment possible for students to flourish. This my promise, what is yours?
Great post! I wholeheartedly agree! I can really see that you do embody what you wrote about. Thank you!